Spend more time doing what you love.

Busy creatives and coaches come to me for online marketing support and I lend my design and copywriting skills to make marketing their business a breeze.

Hi! I’m Hannah

I’m a copywriter, social media expert and online marketing whiz!

You know marketing is important: to get paid, you need clients and to get clients, they need to know you exist. The problem is, you’re a little out of your comfort zone when it comes to social media and email marketing.

You’re not afraid to try new things but it’s taking up too much of your time and energy - you’ve got a business to run after all!

What you need is a clear plan, with systems set up so that the heavy lift-work can be automated. You want consistent messaging that resonates with your audience and brings in more and more of the right clients.

Let me lend you my copywriting, design and marketing expertise so you can focus on your zone of genius!

“Creativity can solve almost any problem”

- George Lois


Want free marketing advice?

Showing Up Solo

A video podcast giving you the ins and outs of online marketing from solopreneurs just like you.

Tune in every other Wednesday for easy to implement advice, guest experts and plenty of food analogies!

Get in touch

Have questions about working with me? No problem, send me an email because I would love to answer your questions.