Copywriting Services

Email Marketing Services

Welcome Sequence

The perfect way to say “hello” to new subscribers. This package includes the copy for a 3-part email sequence and opt-in landing page.

$800 CAD

Sales Sequence

Got a signature product or services to sell? This package includes the copy for a 6-part email sequence and opt-in landing page.

$1400 CAD

Full Funnel

From designing a lead magnet, to crafting a high converting landing page and a stellar sales sequence, this package will give you everything you need to start marketing with email. Includes pdf lead magnet (up to 5 pages), copy for landing page, 6-part sales sequence and signature service sales page.

$2500 CAD

Sequence Set-Up

Need help setting your sequence up in your email marketing platform? No problem!

Starting at $400 CAD

Ready to get started?

Monthly Services

Blog Posts

Blog posts are great for boosting SEO, providing educational content for potential clients and repurposing into social media content but… who has the time to write a new blog post every month? I do!

$400 CAD/post


Regularly touching base with email subscribers is vital for keeping those warm leads nice and toasty. Let me take this important (but often neglected) task off your to-do list.

$200 CAD/email

Ready to get started?

Guest Blog Posts

How to write a welcome email sequence that will keep them coming back.

Done right, an automated welcome sequence can feel personalized, establish authority and build trust between you and your new subscriber.

So what does a good welcome sequence look like?

Guest Blog post for Hillary Bennett, Accountability & Mindset Coach

Let's "Face" It: 5 Reasons For Showing Up On Social Media

Psst! I’m going to let you in on a little media is SOCIAL!

Okay, so that seems obvious but it’s something that a lot of businesses marketing on social media can forget. Whatever your reasons for being on social media, people want to connect with other people.

To do that, you need to show up!

Guest Blog post for Jane Carter, Business Coach

Starting A New Online Business? Here Are 5 Tools You Should Be Using

Faced with lock down and lay-offs, it’s no wonder that last year saw a boom in online businesses starting up!

A new onlinepreneur can choose from an endless assortment of tools and systems to support them - but, with options at every price point, it’s hard not to fall in love with every “shiny object.”

Guest Blog post for Lyons Creative, Copywriting

Writing Content For LinkedIn

LinkedIn is the most trusted social network in the US so if you aren’t already using it as part of your social media strategy, I highly recommend you start.

But what exactly do you post to LinkedIn?

That was the question I asked myself when I first started marketing my business on social media.

Guest Blog post for Choice Words by Chantelle, Copywriter & Copywriting Coach

I’ve found your people! An outsiders look at the Impact Business movement

I knew good people were out there. People who wanted to change the world for the better - but where were they? The biggest problem with soul driven, heart centered, socially conscious, sustainably minded people - they don’t tend to brag about it!

Guest Blog post for Decade Impact, Impact Leadership & Strategy Consultants

Putting People Over Profit: Vancouver Co-ops Take Co-operation To The Next Level

The cleaning industry can be a dirty business, where exploitation is all too common. The Vancouver Cleaning Cooperative is disrupting the cleaning industry by sweeping away the exploitation of janitorial workers who are often racialized women working in terrible conditions.

Guest Blog post for Modo on behalf of The Cleaning Coop, Ethical Cleaning Company