Website Services

1-Page Website

What is the most common excuse new entrepreneurs give me for not marketing their services ? “I don’t have a website yet.” With my 1-page website package, you’ll feel ready to dive into marketing with both feet. This package includes web copy for 1 homepage.

$750 CAD

Sales Page

Launching a new course, product or service? You’ll need a killer sales page! I’ll provide you with the copy you need to convert browsers to buyers. Includes the copy for 1 sales page.

$750 CAD

Full Website Copy

Words sell. When your dream client lands on your website, you want them to know instantly they’re in the right place! Well written website copy will do that. Let me craft you a homepage, about page and signature offer page that will let your brand shine.

$2100 CAD

Website Build

Need help building your SquareSpace website? No problem. I can design and build your website for you.

$250 CAD/page

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