Consulting & Coaching Services

Want to tackle your marketing yourself but need a helping hand?

Got a project but need the skills to execute? Power Hours and VIP days are the perfect option for those short-term projects that need a second pair of hands or a specialist set of skills.

Power Hour

You'll get 60 minutes of 1:1 support.

This is perfect for:

  • editing email or website copy

  • auditing your social media profiles

  • giving a quick tech tutorial

  • adding finesse to a design

$250 CAD

VIP Session

You’ll have 3 hours of 1:1 support so we can dive deep into the topic of your choice.

This is perfect for:

  • planning an email sequence

  • an in-depth tutorial

  • planning out your launch strategy

$600 CAD

Set Up For Success

Learn how to build a marketing plan while working smarter, not harder! Set Up For Success is a 1:1 coaching program perfect for solopreneurs and small business owners who want to spend less time on marketing and get better results.

1:1 Coaching Programs & Self-paced Course for Showing Up Solo

As your Marketing Coach & Consultant, I bring not just expertise but a shared journey. I've been where you are, felt the overwhelm, and navigated the uncertainties.

My coaching style is rooted in demystifying daunting marketing concepts, revealing industry secrets, and sharing the mindset shifts that propelled me forward.

Whether you're looking to dive into self-paced online courses, engage in personalized 1:1 coaching, or explore VIP days & strategy sessions, I've crafted a range of offerings to suit your needs.

From done-for-you copywriting to expert guidance in email marketing, social media content, and web design services, consider me your dedicated ally in transforming your marketing strategy.